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Terms, conditions and disclaimer

The use of this website means the acceptance of all the general conditions at any time you access it, so if you do not agree with any of the conditions set forth herein, you shall not use this website. reserves the right to modify at any time these terms of service on the website as well as other general or specific conditions, regulations, instructions or warnings that may apply. reserves the right to suspend, terminate or cease operating the website at any time and for any reason.

In any case, access and use of the website is under your sole responsibility, exonerating of any liability to the extent that the law permits it.

You acknowledge and agree that all rights to intellectual property on the contents and/or other elements on the site (including but not limited to trademarks, logos, trade names, text, images, graphics, designs, sounds, databases data, software, flow charts, presentation, audio and video) belong to Omitse't, and/or third parties. In any case access to the website imply any waiver, license or transfer all or part of such rights unless expressly stated otherwise.

The general conditions of use of the website does not give users any other right to use, modify, reproduce, distribute or public communication of the website and/or its contents other than as expressly provided herein. Any other use or exploitation of any rights will be subject to the prior and express authorization specifically granted for that purpose by Omitse't, and/or the third party owner of the rights.

You agree that may use cookies when browsing the website. Cookies of are only associated with an anonymous user and your computer, and do not provide references to the user's personal data.

Omitse't -

Terms, conditions and disclaimer | 2025